Flow to Restore Yoga
Hatha Yoga is a branch of yoga that focuses on physical postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), and meditation. Its primary aim is to align and calm the body, mind, and spirit in preparation for deeper spiritual practices. By combining movement and breath, Hatha Yoga promotes flexibility, strength, balance, and relaxation, serving as the foundation for many other yoga styles.
Mondays @12:00pm
Baby Massage and Postnatal
Nurturing Touch: Baby Massage and Postnatal Course for Bonding, Relaxation and Wellbeing
4 week Course Starting 23rd September @ 11:00am
Yin and Yoga Nidra
Yin Yoga is a slow-paced practice where postures are held for several minutes, targeting deep connective tissues. Benefits include increased flexibility, joint mobility, and mental relaxation.
Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation that induces deep relaxation, reducing stress, improving sleep, and enhancing mental clarity.
30th September 6:00pm
Kundalini Soundbath
We will gather together in this gorgeous venue to relax, rest and bathe in the healing vibration of soulful mantra meditation followed by a supine gong/chime/Tibetan singing bowl soundscape.
Leave your worries at the door, cosy up in your blankets and give yourself some well-deserved R&R. This is your time to reconnect with yourSELF: check in with how you're doing physically, mentally and emotionally, and plant new seeds of intention for the incoming cycle.
Kundalini Yoga
Join us for magical Kundalini Yoga sessions at THRIV to awaken to your potential...this is no ordinary yoga class. Expect miracles! :)
Sundays 4:00pm-5:00pm